Coco Wax Burner (pk of 2)
Coco Wax Burner (pk of 2)

Coco Wax Burner (pk of 2)

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Say hi to Coco - the most classy and elegant wax burner you will see. A gentle cross cross design creates a lovely texture on the outside of the burner. 

Take the lid off, pop in your cube of wax, light your tea light and in minutes your room will be filled with fragrance. When you are finished simply blow out your tea light and pop the little lid back on top of Coco.

1 cube from a clam shell is the perfect amount of wax for Coco as the well is quite small given the delicate and slim design of the burner.

Sold in packs of 2 - RRP  for 1 £17.99

All burners are individually hand made and so there may be slight uneven surfaces , pin holes or minor ripples as well as variations in height and weight and colour texture. None of this will affect the functionality of the burner and is normal in the production of individually made products.

 We do not recommend using the burner for any longer than 4 hours at a time.

Dimensions - 13.5 cm H (20 cm with lid on) x 11 cm W


  • Never leave a burning candle unattended
  • Remove all packaging and place a wax melt in the well of your wax burner
  • Use with an unscented tea light
  • Keep out of reach of children & pets and away from draughts
  • Do not move while lit